The power of young talent
We see game-changing contributions from young women and men every day at Moody’s. To help them succeed — and unleash their talent — we’re sharpening our focus on meeting the needs of early-career professionals and supporting them in new ways.
A standout example is the Ratings & Research Support (RRS) group within Moody’s Investors Service, which offers skill development and management opportunities to associate analysts just starting their careers. RRS promoted 62% of its Associate Analysts in 2017. We also created four new positions on our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Initiative team for associate analysts who are passionate about sustainability.

Simone Andrews, a Lead Associate Analyst in RRS and a member of the ESG Initiative team, saw the effects of climate change firsthand in her hometown of Houston, Texas. When she heard about the new ESG positions, Simone seized the chance to align her passion and her profession.
“It’s rewarding to hear [Moody’s CEO] Ray McDaniel say the ESG Initiative is a key company objective,” she says. “That gives me a greater sense of purpose and helps contextualize the impact of my work.”
We want every Moody’s employee, from day one and throughout their professional lives, to feel energized to build a fulfilling career.