Employee engagement

Moody’s TeamUp® June Highlights

We’re already more than two months into our Moody’s TeamUp® season of service, an annual volunteer initiative which offers various in-person and virtual volunteer opportunities for our employees around the world. Over the last month, #TeamMoodys has been out in full force lending a helping hand and offering our support where it is needed most. Delve deeper into the different ways our employees have showed up for our communities below!


  • In Berlin, Copenhagen and Milan, our volunteers spent their morning supporting local ecosystem restoration efforts by cleaning up nearby parks and rivers. In Vilnius, our colleagues helped out at an animal shelter, walking dogs and helping with clean up.
  • In Amsterdam, colleagues sailed around the city’s famous canals, fishing out rubbish and plastic from the waterways. Team Moody’s also lent a helping hand at food banks in Edinburgh and Montbonnot Saint-Martin, sorting food which was distributed to those in need.
  • We also held another on-site “Volunteer Festival” in Brussels, where everyone got to work building furniture, as well as assembling kits to support mental health, education and personal hygiene. In Zurich, our volunteers teamed up with our partner World Wildlife Fund, where they built habitats for frogs, constructed terraces for an herb garden and planted hedges and fruit trees.
  • Lastly, our Dubai-based colleagues supported teenagers with special needs; taking part in music, sport and arts activities. In Sydney, our volunteers put their aprons on and learned how they can prepare food in a way reduces food waste and promotes more sustainable consumption while preparing meals to be brought to people in need.


  • In Hong Kong, our volunteers helped at local food banks, helping pack and distribute food packages. They also helped breathe new life into second-hand children’s books, wrapping them and ensuring they will be treasured by families for a long time.
  • In Noida, we created exam charts to help students prepare for their exams. Our volunteers also built water holding pots that can be hung on porches for birds to quench their thirst during heatwaves. In Bengaluru, activities including making models to help student’s understand science concepts more effectively and made bags from newspapers. In Mumbai, we also spent time making educational charts with children for them to use in the classroom.
  • In Gurugram, they transformed schools by painting classrooms & common areas. Finally, our volunteers went kayaking out on the water in Singapore, patrolling parks and waterways while promoting the importance of keeping our environment clean.


  • In Raleigh, our volunteers helped set up North Carolina’s Central and Eastern Food Bank’s pop-up market, supporting them with client intake, stocking tables, talking to clients as well as packing up afterwards.
  • In New York, our people took a ferry out to Governor’s Island to farm with GrowNYC, planting, harvesting and prepping food for donations. They also offered students in Brooklyn the opportunity to practice their self-presentation and explore their dreams in a safe and supportive environment.
  • In Charlotte, we supported the Love in Action project, which aims to tackle social isolation and loneliness. Throughout the event, our people made cards for veterans, painted flowerpots, and made hygiene bags for unhoused neighbours and nursing home residents.  
  • In Toronto, our volunteers made birdboxes for Eastern Bluebirds, a species which have experienced habitat loss in Canadian urban environments. They also became farmers for a day, helping FoodShare weed, plant and harvest fresh food while learning about the benefits of school gardens.
  • In Buenos Aires, we helped serve lunch to the city’s most vulnerable. Our volunteers also got the chance to take part in various art therapy, yoga, poetry and theatre workshops. Lastly, in Lima, we prepared lunch for a community at the Madre Teresa Community Center.

It’s been a truly special second month of Moody’s TeamUp®, and we are grateful to all our employees that have helped make our season of service so impactful for our communities around the world.

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